Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tulgey Wood

I did what I was supposed to do: I cared about school. I cultivated my grades like prize orchids.  I worked hard, played light.  I didn’t party.  I did my homework.  I once wrote an unassigned essay because I had something to say about A Separate Peace and my teacher had neglected to provide an outlet.  I participated in extracurriculuars.  I got into a top tier liberal arts school and majored in a STEM subject.  I got a job in my field after graduation.  I was set.  I was ready.  I was on the path to medical school, to the prestigious career as a world-famous, life-saving surgeon.

But I was lost.  I hated my research job.  I was miserable.  The MCAT never took itself.  I discovered that while I desperately wanted to be a surgeon, I didn’t actually want to become a doctor.  And that realization left me nowhere.  I had decided to become a neurosurgeon in the sixth grade.  My entire identity had been built on that foundation.  “Hi, I’m Emily.  I’m going to be a brain surgeon when I grow up.”  If I didn’t want to be a doctor, I didn’t know who I was.  I loved science but hated doing it.  But doing science was all I was qualified to do.  When you have a B.A. in biology, you can go into research, go to graduate school, or go to medical school.  These are the acceptable, respectable choices.  I said no to all three.   

In an attempt to reconnect with my curious, creative, and intellectually insatiable sixth grader, I applied for a job at my childhood Mecca: the Carnegie Science Center.  It was there that I discovered what I wanted to do with my life.  One day, a five year old boy asked me how our blood gets around our bodies.  “Are there tubes?” he wanted to know.  I bent back my wrist and showed him my veins.  I showed him his.  I told him that there are, in fact, tubes.  He stared at his wrist and then looked up at me, the embodiment of pure wonder.  “I can see inside my body!” he said.

I wanted to teach science. 

In a way, my sixth grade self was still right:  I do want to be a surgeon.  I still wish I could cut it (pardon the pun).  But my inability to become a surgeon is not an intellectual handicap; it is a spiritual one. I cannot become a surgeon because life as a surgeon would not make me happy.  It would fulfill my childhood dream, but it would make my adult self miserable.  Being a surgeon would not be, as Sir Robinson put it, an expression of my most authentic self.  Getting up in front of a classroom every day with a license to talk and geek out and gush about science…that is the expression of my most authentic self.  And I didn’t find it in school.  I didn’t find it by doing what I was supposed to do.  I found it by giving up, by throwing in the towel, by admitting defeat.  I found it by moving home and taking a $9/hour job. 

I am lucky enough that, while the path I laid at twelve left me in Alice’s Wonderland forest of confusion, I loved every minute of school along the way.  I loved organic chemistry, for Christ’s sake.  My education served me well.  It fulfilled me. And I came full circle: I rediscovered the passion I found in my 6th grade science class, the passion I mistook for ambition. 

What must it be like for kids who hate school, who find nothing there that excites or ignites them? What about kids who are good with their hands, who want to be artists, or hermits, or aid workers, or firemen, or taxi drivers, or flight attendants, or moms, or dads, or any other vocation that isn’t valued by our rat race obsessed society? What about the kids who don’t know what they want to do, but who know that a decade of school hasn’t come close to helping them figure it out?

It should be noted that my secondary education was at an independent school, one of the best in the city.  I was given freedom, encouragement, stimulation.  My teachers fostered my love of dance as assiduously as my love of science. Great credit should be given, in equal measure, to the teachers who encouraged my brain-surgeon dream and to those who encouraged me to consider the possibility of something else.  At 18, I couldn’t imagine wanting anything other than a life in the OR.  But every time I saw my old history teacher, he respectfully asked me if I had changed my mind yet.  He saw something I didn’t. 

I truly cannot imagine my life if I had attended public school.  I think that even I, a kid with “potential,” would have been lost in the shuffle.  My history teacher wouldn’t have seen that something in a class of thirty students. And if I had found myself in the same dark woods after college, I doubt I would have been equipped to find my way back to myself. 

Sir Robinson reminds us that we literally cannot envision the world in which our students will live.  And yet we are expected to teach them.  How?

By teaching them to think.  By fostering the skills necessary for successful adulthood, rather than a successful career:  decency, responsibility, humility, respect, resiliency, creativity, problem solving, persistence, compassion. Good grammar and an ability to evaluate information.  The willingness to make mistakes.  The ability to admit that you’re wrong or that you need help. The courage to question authority.  The reverence of both your own inner voice and trusted, expert advice.  The gumption to figure it out for yourself.  Because in the end, we won’t be there with them.  They’ll be on their own.  And a fat lot of good a bunch of forgotten facts will do them. 


  1. ...teaching them how to embrace their inner geek, right? :) This is just great, Emily. I relate so much to your path through school (I was the studious non-partier too)...for me, ballet was my identity. All the way through my first year of college (I began as a ballet major). Giving up that identity was very challenging, but also freeing...and scary. Your last paragraph is terrific. I also think that kids need to feel safe in "feeling" or sensing or trusting their intuition and imagination. Check out this quote from Einstein: "I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research." Can't wait to read more of your reflections!

  2. Emily,
    Beautifully written! The color of your descriptive language seems so accurate and vivid to me, and laid a solid narrative ground through which Ken Robinson's TED Talks can be filtered. I think that in terms of his primary objectives, you've ensured that we focus not only on those students who seem immediately lost, but also those who are succeeding in our system. Too often, the successful student is propelled in a single direction because of some sort of nominal ability, leaving him (or in your case and mine, her) without the coping tools or self-reflective abilities to sort out future roadblocks. The ability to develop as a whole human is undoubtedly essential in education, and generally de-emphasized. Thank you for making clear the broad scope of benefits from a shift away from our broken system towards a "Robinsonian" one.

  3. Emily,

    I really appreciated reading your entry and hearing "your story." I do feel that I should comment on your mention of how you can't have imagined going to public school. I know that you had a really great experience at an independent school and perhaps your education experience would not have been the same at a public school, but there are options within public school that allow students the creativity and give them the push that you described having. I also know that you are not bashing public schools, but expressing that you were so very happy with your independent school. I know those experiences may have been difficult to ensure because they may have required an acceptance to a magnet school or something of the like. Both my husband and I attended public schools, and had great education experiences, but very different ones. I went to a small school district in an affluent, homogenous small town, and my husband went to an urban performing arts school. Both educational experiences had their social challenges, but were educationally sound and experiences.


    P.S. My husband makes comments at least weekly about how he would rather be a music or science teacher than a physician. I'm glad you caught the passion for teaching!
